Beat the Heat (WA) Inc. is a community based anti-street racing program run by off duty police officers and likeminded community members with the goal of reducing the incidence of illegal street racing and associated trauma.
BTHWA was designed to build alliances between young people and police by using the common interest of motorsport to provide opportunities to educate young drivers
It is hoped that this interaction will bring about changes in attitudes that will encourage responsible driver behaviours and acceptance of the road rules in the community.
For all the latest up-to-date happenings, CLICK the LATEST NEWS link on the left.
Jason's Story
Street racing is a dangerous and illegal activity that occurs on Australian roads all to often.
Jason's story highlights what can happen when thing go horribly wrong. His story, like others, are the driving reason why Beat the Heat (WA) was formed.
Jason's journey and the story he tells is unfortunately not a happy one, but the strength of his character and his desire to educate others makes him a valued member of BTHWA.
If you see us at an event, please come and say HI. We would love to chat to you no matter what your age.